Our Mission Statement:

We stand ready to assist, educate, and serve our communities and our Country in its time of need with emergency communications. We help other organizations with communications and logistics, by using Amateur Radio Communications to promote the Amateur Radio Service.

Our Goals:

  1. To educate, facilitate and promote the use of radio and other communication in the event of emergencies and other natural disasters.
  2. To provide timely and accurate weather reports for the National Weather Service and Safety Services.
  3. To provide communications for, Not For Profit, community and government organizations.
  4. To promote the exchange of information, individual operating efficiency, fraternalism and general cooperation between members.
  5. To conduct activities and programs, to educate the general public, and to continue the general interest and welfare of the members.

By-Laws and Constitution

Our By-Laws and Constitution are available to review here:


  • Officers for 2024

    The officers of the Southernmost Emergency Radio Association for 2024 are as follows:

    Jay SmockN9VNPresident
    Lloyd BakerKC9DRBVice-President
    Ronnie StoneK4INSTreasurer
    Geoff WilliamsKD9VCYSecretary
    Aiden CarnesW9ADNPotaczar