Southernmost Illinois Emergency Radio Association
Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2022
- Meeting location: 605 Metropolis Street, Metropolis, IL
- The meeting was called to order at approximately 1745 hrs.
- The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Aidan Carnes.
- Members present were:
- Lori Klinensmith-Treasurer
- Aidan Carnes
- Brian Horn – Massac County Emergency Management director
- Geoff Williams
- Jay Smock-President (Attended via phone call due to illness)
- Minutes of the last meeting were read –
- Motion to accept as read by Aidan Carnes
- Seconded by Lori Klingensmith
- Passed unanimously.
- The Paducah office of the National Weather Service will by hosting an amateur radio contact contest on December 3rd & 4th (24 hours continuous). Jay Smock will contact the NWS representative to inquire about our clubs participation.
- Brian Horn stated that he attended a seminar for work in Marion, Illinois recently and talked up our new club with Bruce Talley, the Williamson County, IL Emergency Management director and SCAN club member.
- Geoff Williams reported on his meeting with Erica Keys, a board member of the Metropolis/Massac County Chamber of Commerce, regarding our possible participation in future special events by setting up a radio station for public demonstration purposes.
- They only host two events yearly whereby the roads are closed and booths/tents can be setup. They are: Superman Festival, Autumn & Plein Air Festival.
- Other events are held with individual stores. We would have to coordinate with the store owners to set up inside, or perhaps on the sidewalk outside, which are City owned.
- Currently the Chamber does not maintain a list of special events. One must look at their FaceBook page for the upcoming and previous year’s events to see what events were held, then check with the Chamber to see if an event we are interested in participating in will be held in the current year.
- Erica suggested that a membership with the Chamber may be beneficial to our club in that we would be better able to get to know the business owners, build a rapport with them, would have a forum to inform business leaders what our club does. We could also have a club member give a formal talk at a monthly Chamber meeting.
- Membership fee for a non-profit organization is $50.00 p/year.
- There are no voting rights for those memberships.
- Discussion was had regarding a membership for the club. All agreed that would be beneficial to the organization. Geoff Williams to obtain the application.
- Upon advice by Lori Klingensmith the membership decided to wait until the Chamber has their elections in December; there will be a new president at that time.
- A few special events suggested for our participation in were thrown out by members.
- Superman Festival
- Massac Encampment
- Brew Fest @ Harrah’s Casino
- Cache Wetlands Center near Karnak/Perks-They hold several public events yearly.
- Aidan brought up the previously discussed idea of a Public Information Officer (PIO) position. The making of this position was well received by the members present.
- Aidan Carnes volunteered to be the PIO. Lori Klingensmith said she will assist Aidan when needed.
- President Jay Smock stated he will open the PIO position to the general membership to see who else is interested.
- Also, other assistants may be required depending upon what was going on at any particular time and what the circumstances may be.
- Aidan Carnes suggested that the club meetings be recorded and placed in our Drop Box account so any member who wished to do so could pull up the file and listen to the meeting proceedings. This would also be helpful to the club secretary in preparing meeting minutes.
- A motion to record the meetings and place the sound file into the clubs Drop Box account was made by Aiden Carnes.
- Lori Klingensmith seconded the motion.
- The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1910 hrs.