April 19, 2023
- Meeting Location: 605 Metropolis Street, Metropolis, IL
- Meeting Conducted by: Jay Smock – President
- Meeting Called to Order at: 1802 hrs.
- The Pledge of Allegiance was led by: Jay Smock
- Members Present:
- James “Jay” Smock – President
- Ronnie Stone – Vice President
- Geoff Williams – Secretary
- Lloyd Baker – Volunteer Examiner Coordinator
- Eddy “Illinois Eddy” Sobkowiak
- Aidan Carnes
- Chuck Bonifield
- Guests –
- Abner “Ab” Jones
- Minutes of the Last Meeting: March 15, 2023 – were read and accepted by vote “As is”.
- Bank account –
- Jay Smock and Geoff Williams visited the Metropolis branch of SIU Credit Union to request information on opening a standard checking account for the club. They were informed that as we are a club we must have our 501C3 status to open an account with them. Or, we could open a personal checking account in the name of one club member.
Upon being contacted by Jay with the above information club treasurer, Lori Nichols stated that she will check with her contact at Banterra Bank regarding opening an account without having to have official IRS 501C3 status.
- Club logo project – More discussion was had regarding the design of the logo. Aidan Carnes did a fine job on putting member’s suggestions toward the design. He will incorporate further ideas into tweaking the design. Members are happy with the progress of the design thus far and are excited to see the final product.
- Guest, Ab Jones, filed an application for membership to SIERA. Being known to some members of SIERA and the Paducah Amateur Radio Association (P.A.R.A.) his application was read before the members present. A motion was made to accept and approve the application. A vote was made to accept the application of Abner Jones for membership.
- Field Day activity, June 24th, 2023 – It was decided that the pavilion across from the new parking lot adjacent the west side of the camp grounds will be rented for our activation use on that day.
- Meeting adjourned at: 1852 hrs.
- FCC Amateur Radio License Testing – Immediately following the regularly stated meeting the club, Southernmost Illinois Emergency Radio Association (SIERA), conducted its first FCC amateur radio license testing session under the guidance and supervision of VEC Lloyd Baker. The applied fees were collected from both candidates.
- Aidan Carnes – tested for his FCC amateur Extra license under the A.R.R.L. testing protocols.
- Results: Passed
- Abner Jones – tested for his FCC amateur Technician license under the W5IY testing protocols.
- Results: Passed
Minutes submitted by: Geoff Williams – Secretary