August 16, 2023 Monthly Minutes
- Meeting Location: 605 Metropolis Street, Metropolis, Illinois
- Meeting Conducted by: James “Jay” Smock – President
- Meeting Called to Order at: 1756 hrs.
- The Pledge of Allegiance was Led by: Jay Smock
- Members Present: (8)
- Jay Smock N9VN – President
- Ronnie Stone K4INS – Vice President
- Geoff Williams KD9VCY – Secretary
- Lloyd Baker KC9DRB – Club Volunteer Exam Coordinator
- Aidan Carnes W9ADN
- Eddy “Illinois Edd” Sobkowiak AC9OO
- Calvin Esau KC9YRV
- Lori Klingensmith N6BWZ
- Guests: (1)
- Orlando Martin of Metropolis, Illinois
- Minutes of the Last Meeting:
- July 19, 2023 were read. A motion was made to accept them as presented, the motion was seconded, vote passed.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Given by Jay Smock
- Banterra Bank checking account – Previous Balance = $100.00
- Payments – To Jay Smock re: Reimbursement for his out-of-pocket payment of testing fees $16.00.
- Checking Account balance: $84.00
- Funds on hand (In possession of Jay Smock) = $180.00
- Total Funds available: $184.00
- On-hand Funds:
- Jay will attempt to deposit the $184.00 he is in possession of into the club checking account this week, or next.
- Given by Jay Smock
- Nominations of Officers for the 2024 Fiscal Year:
- Elections to be held during the Septemer 20, 2023 meeting.
- For President: Jay Smock (Unopposed)
- For Vice President: Lloyd Baker (Unopposed)
- For Secretary: Geoff Williams (Unopposed)
- For Treasurer; Ronnie Stone (Unopposed)
- Elections to be held during the Septemer 20, 2023 meeting.
- FEMA Classes:
- As Incident Command System (ICS) Classes 101, 102, 107 & 108 are required as a minimum of training for authorized deployment to most incident command centers during declared disasters, including the Massac County EMC and the McCracken County EMC, several members of SIERA have voiced their desire to complete this training so as to be prepared in case of an emergency and assistance is requested.
- President Jay is working with the Metropolis Fire Department to come up with a beginning date for this training.
- Training days to be determined. General consensus between the members present is leaning toward Saturday mornings after our usual breakfast. Breakfast times may have to be adjusted.
- Some MFD personnel may wish to go through the training with us.
- Membership applications:
- Calvin Esau’s application was read before the membership.
- A motion was made to accept Calvin into the association, seconded, passed unanimously.
- Calvin had paid his membership fee previously when he filed the application.
- GMRS Repeater Project:
- Lloyd Baker reported that Preston Ursini of Quad State Internet would like to have a GMRS repeater installed on a tower in Metropolis. This would most likely be on the tower located next to Hardee’s Restaurant on Ferry Street (US45).
- An acquaintance of Preston’s would like to donate a repeater for this project.
- Further information to come at a later date.
- Soldering/Electronics Projects Classes:
- Aidan Carnes is developing a class to teach soldering techniques and electronic kit building.
- The goals of the classes would be to learn/improve attendee’s soldering skills, learn basic through-board electronics kit assembly, and to have fun.
- The estimated cost of the kits per person would be approximately $30.00 or less including postage.
- The kits would all be amateur radio related and are available from and Ebay.
- Aidan plans on polling members via group text as to equipment each person wishing to attend the classes currently has and possible dates for the classes.
- Aidan Carnes is developing a class to teach soldering techniques and electronic kit building.
- Meeting adjourned at: 1910 hrs.
- ARRL Testing Session:
- Calvin Esau tested for his FCC General license.